Child Trafficking

Multiple Dates

505 Hudson Street, 6th Floor, hartford, ct, 06106, United States

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Multiple Dates

DCF Central Office - Academy Workforce Development, 505 Hudson Street, hartford, ct, 06106, United States.

This two day-curriculum will provide the fundamentals of both understanding the issue of child trafficking and best practices in working with a youth and family affected by it.  This course has something for all levels of knowledge and experience.  Participants will be able to identify potential child trafficking issues with existing families, will understand when to contact the DCF Careline, and to know how to manage the complexities of a case involving a child trafficking survivor.  Participants will practice engagement techniques including the use of case scenarios that will bring this work to life.  Participants will also have an opportunity to hear from a panel of experts in the field.

** Your enrollment in day 1 will automatically enroll you in day2 held on the very next date.**

Connecticut DCF

Pamela Wililams Email:

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