Bridge Day Rastapult

Saturday, Oct 20, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

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Rastapul Launch Pass Partial Approval - $50.00

Rastapult Launch Pass

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Saturday, Oct 20, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

This is the Launch Pass for the Rastapult at Bridge Day 2018. Do not buy a Rastapult ticket unless you are a qualified BASE jumper who already has a Jumper Pass for Bridge Day 2018. What is a qualified Rastapult Jumper? You have 50 BASE jumps, a helmet, and are comfortable with unusual attitudes, being upside down, and probably slightly out of control (chances are you are to flip one way or another, and why wouldn't you want to?) If you have never been launched, its awesome! If you have, you know you want to do it again!

Event is hosted by the Bridge Day Commission & Fayette County Chamber of Commerce

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