We have an exciting program prepared for you!
6:30 PM – Check in and orientation.
7:15 PM – Isha prayer
8:00 – 9:30 PM – The main event of the night. We will be heading to Archery Tag!
What is Archery Tag you ask?
It’s one of the world’s fastest growing sports. It is dodgeball meets archery in a fast-paced game designed to get you moving and your adrenaline flowing. 100% safe and an activity that everyone can enjoy!

After Archery Tag is over we still have more to go!
10:00 PM – Return to the masjid + activities (includes Mafia card game, Ultimate Ninja, etc)
11:00 PM – 11:30 PM – Food
11:30 – 1:30 AM – More activities in the masjid (includes Mafia card game, Ultimate Ninja, etc)
1:30 AM – 6:00 AM – You can go to sleep. Or you can stay awake. The choice is yours.
6:30 AM – Fajr
7:00 AM – The sleepover event officially comes to an end.
The price to register for this awesome event is only $30. Your ticket will cover the main event at Archery Tag, food, and transportation for the event.