April 2019 Child and Family Partners Certificate Program

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2019 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM MST

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April 2019 Certificate Program Registration Partial Approval - $650.00

Starts on January 15th, 2019! Register now.

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California Head Start Association Members Partial Approval - $550.00

Welcome to the registration portal for residents of California. Per the agreement between Child and Family Partners, LLC and the California Head Start Association, you automatically receive a $100 discount on the Child and Family Partners Certificate Program!!!!

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Early Bird Certificate Registration Partial Approval - $585.00

Be one of the first 10 to register (before February 15th, 2019) and receive a 10% discount!!!!

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Wednesday, Apr 10, 2019 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM MST

The Child and Family Partners Certificate program is an innovative, evidence-based program informed by the Head Start Relationship-Based Competencies for staff and supervisors who work with families.  This exciting program is offered in a unique blend of video conference calls and online assignments and interactions.  You can complete the program in the comfort of your home and community!

The certificate program meets the requirements of the Head Start Program Performance Standards 1302.91(e)(7) which states: A program must ensure staff who work directly with families on the family partnerships process hired after November 7, 2016, have within eighteen months of hire, at a minimum, a credential or certification in Social Work, human services, family services.

The Child and Family Partners Certificate Program: 

  • Offers important perspectives from current professionals in the field;
  • Focuses on emerging practices as well as changing influences on families with young children;
  • Allows you to complete online assignments at your convenience and on a timeline that works for you;
  • Provides a forum for online discussions with other participants and program staff;
  • Includes 3 video conference calls; and
  • Totals 60 hours of instruction and assignments including video conference calls and online assignments/discussions.

 You can register for the April 2019 course NOW!

Child and Family Partners


Tiernan McIlwaine is the Executive Director of Child and Family Partners LLC. Mr. McIlwaine has been working with children and families for nearly 30 years. Currently, Mr. McIlwaine is a consultant in early childhood programs across Wyoming and provides outreach and training for the University of Wyoming.

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