Advanced Grazing Mentorship - Series 3

Multiple Dates

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Series 3 - Birgit Martin Partial Approval - Free

These sessions will take place on consecutive Tuesdays from January 10 through February 21. You will be forwarded a link one week prior to the first session. Registration deadline is January 7, 2023

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Multiple Dates

The Ontario Forage Council is providing the provincial delivery of the Advanced Grazing Systems program. The program offers training for producers to gain expertise in rotational grazing. The curriculum is designed to teach farmers key concepts and develop a rotational grazing plan for their operation. In addition to the course content, the program will create a support network of other grazing producers and provide instructional support resources. The Advanced Grazing Systems program is supported by Farmers for Climate Solutions in partnership with the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association.

The program will be delivered in three separate series of seven online sessions; followed by field days in spring/summer 2023 to demonstrate the implementation of systems outlined in the program modules.  By the end of the program, participants will have completed a personalized grazing plan for their operation that will increase eligibility for funding through Ontario Soil and Crop Association’s Ontario On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF).  Participants are asked to advise their mentor if they have pre-approved projects through this program.  

Patricia Ellingwood

The Ontario Forage Council is a non-profit organization devoted specifically to forages. It is comprised of producer associations, commercial companies and other agribusiness interests which share common goals—gathering and disseminating ideas and information, supporting research and development in forages and sponsoring consolidation of forage projects to provide a focus for the efforts of a multitude of personnel.

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