2023 Primary Care Conference

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

82 Clubhouse Road, Fairlee, VT, 05045, United States

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Late Registration Partial Approval - $200.00

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Non-Member Registration Partial Approval - $245.00

For all individuals and groups who are not affiliated with one of Bi-State's 26 member organizations. If you are a government employee of any kind, please email Clem Noone at cnoone@bistatepca.org for access to our rate for government employees.

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Member Late Registration Partial Approval - $245.00

FY23 Bi-State Members: Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Amoskeag Health, Battenkill Valley Health Center, Coös County Family Health Services, Community Health Access Network, Community Health (Rutland), Community Health Centers (Burlington), Gifford Health Care, Greater Seacoast Community Health, Harbor Care, Health Care for the Homeless Manchester, HealthFirst Family Care Center, Lamprey Health Care, Lamoille Health Partners, Little Rivers Health Care, Mountain Community Health, Mid-State Health Center, Northern Counties Health Care, North County Health Consortium, New Hampshire AHECs, Northern Tier Center for Health, North Star Health, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, The Health Center (Plainfield), Vermont's Free & Referral Clinics, and White Mountain Community Health Center.

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Government Employees Registration Rate Partial Approval - $150.00

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Member group discount add-on, standard Partial Approval - $205.80

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Member Early Bird Registration Partial Approval - $200.00


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Member Registration Partial Approval - $210.00

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

Lake Morey Resort, 82 Clubhouse Road, Fairlee, VT, 05045, United States.

2023 Primary Care Conference | Social and Environmental Drivers of Community Health

Please join us for the 2023 Primary Care Conference: Social and Environmental Drivers of Community Health, on Tuesday May 16, 2023. The conference will be from 8:30 am –3:30 pm at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. That’s right; for the first time since 2019, the PCC will be in-person! 

This year, our theme is the social and environmental drivers of health. Our speakers will present an engaging morning keynote (TBA) to start our day; an afternoon session on mental health & primary care integration in New Hampshire & Vermont; another afternoon session on cybersecurity preparedness and lessons learned from health centers in New Hampshire & Vermont; and finally an afternoon plenary on climate change and health outcomes in Northern New England. There will also be recognitions of our annual Bi-State Awards honorees and our Leadership Development Program class of 2023, flexible time to meet with peers and event sponsors, and provided lunch catered by Lake Morey Resort.

Please scroll down this page for more info on our speakers and sessions. Clicking on agenda items will pull up more details on those sessions. We are still confirming and updating information for our Keynote, flexible time, and awards ceremony – please stay tuned to this site and your inboxes for the latest. The Early Bird registration discount for Bi-State Members is in effect until March 31.

Please email Clem Noone at cnoone@bistatepca.org if you have any questions or need any assistance.


**If you are a government employee of any kind, please email Clem Noone at cnoone@bistatepca.org for access to our rate for government employees.

**If your plans for the May 16 Conference include staying overnight, please call the Lake Morey Resort reservations department at (802) 333-4311 by or before April 14.*


Bi-State Primary Care Association


Bi-State Primary Care Association is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that represents New Hampshire and Vermont’s 22 Community Health Centers serving over 300,000 patients at 148 locations across every county in New Hampshire and Vermont. Bi-State works to promote access to quality, affordable primary health care with an emphasis on reaching underserved populations. Bi-State Primary Care Association was founded as a 501(c)3 charitable organization in 1986 with offices in Bow, New Hampshire, and Montpelier, Vermont.

Contact the Organizer

David Reynolds
Health Policy Advisor
Office of Senator Bernie Sanders
David Reynolds was the founder of the first community health centers in Vermont and a co-founder of Bi-State Primary Care Association. After 30 years at Northern Counties Health Care, he became Senator Bernie Sanders first Health Policy Advisor, negotiating key primary care and workforce provisions of the Affordable Care Act. After several years of retirement, he has returned to work for the Senator as the community health center program and several key workforce programs are up for reauthorization. Reynolds has a doctorate in health policy from the University of Michigan.

About David Reynolds

Health Policy Advisor
Office of Senator Bernie Sanders
Stephanie Pagliuca
Senior Director of Workforce Development and Recruitment
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Ms. Pagliuca works?with a variety of stakeholders and partners?to strengthen and expand the?pipeline of clinicians?who are interested in practicing in New Hampshire and Vermont.?She?oversees operations of Bi-State’s NH/VT Recruitment Center and has?managed many federal, state, and private?foundation grants to support workforce development to build primary care, dental, mental health, and substance use disorder treatment capacity in underserved areas of our states.? Ms. Pagliuca works on public policy related to?primary care?workforce development, recruitment, and retention by serving on?a number of?statewide and regional commissions and work groups targeting these issues.?Ms. Pagliuca joined Bi-State in 1994. Ms. Pagliuca?earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Notre Dame College.?She is a native of Manchester, New Hampshire and a graduate of the Leadership New Hampshire class of 2010.

About Stephanie Pagliuca

Senior Director of Workforce Development and Recruitment
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Dan Sherman
Director of Primary Care
Northern Counties Health Care
Dan Sherman has been a resident of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont for over 18 years, living in Waterford with his wife and five sons. Dan began his health care career in outpatient physical therapy practice, where he honed his skills in program management and process development. After joining the Alpine Clinic Orthopedic Group in 2008, Dan played a pivotal role in developing their two outpatient physical therapy practices and overseeing clinical operations. Dan earned his Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Management from Johnson State College and his Master of Business Administration and Certificate in Health Care Administration from Plymouth State University. Prior to joining the Northern Counties team in December of 2020, Dan was the program manager for the TeleIntensive Care program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, where he helped to grow the program to encompass over 100 ICU beds in hospitals across New Hampshire and Vermont.

About Dan Sherman

Director of Primary Care
Northern Counties Health Care
Michael Costa
Northern Counties Health Care
Michael serves as CEO of Northern Counties Health Care, which encompasses five community health centers, three dental centers, two express care clinics and a Medicare certified home health and hospice agency in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Prior to leading Northern Counties, Michael devoted nearly twenty years to public service in states around the country. In Vermont, Michael served in both democratic and republican administrations, where he helped design Vermont's first in the nation All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model Agreement with CMS and Vermont's efforts to establish a universal health care program. Also, Michael served as the Deputy Commissioner of the State Medicaid Agency, responsible for financial operations, managed care operations, the State’s federal waivers, and payment and delivery system reform efforts. Michael holds a bachelor's degree from Bates College, a law degree from the University of Wisconsin, and a Masters Degree in Health Care Delivery Science from Dartmouth College.

About Michael Costa

Northern Counties Health Care
Liz Dallas
Owner & Thought Leader
Vital Leadership Coaching
Liz Dallas helps leaders shift their thinking to support a 21st Century landscape – one that changes fast, is increasingly complex and presents exponential uncertainty. In her 23 years of coaching leaders and 15 years in international business, she has a firsthand experience of how the typical lens of leadership is insufficient to ensure sustainable success. Liz developed the A to B Paradigm Shifter as a new lens that opens thinking and offers a disciplined approach to leading with inspiration and empowerment. Vital Leadership Coaching consultants apply research-based techniques in teaching the model and accelerating how leaders integrate their new learning for deeper, more meaningful understanding and implementation in a world of possibility.

About Liz Dallas

Owner & Thought Leader
Vital Leadership Coaching
Kristine Stoddard
Director of New Hampshire Public Policy
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Kristine Stoddard joined Bi-State Primary Care Association in November 2012. Kristine collaborates with the State of New Hampshire, health care providers, non-profit advocacy organizations, and business leaders to improve the health of all New Hampshire residents. She serves as a member of the Medical Care Advisory Committee and the New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation’s board of directors. She previously served as a legislative research analyst for the Arizona House of Representatives. Kristine’s legislative work included appropriations, insurance, banking, environment, criminal law, health, and administrative law. Kristine is a 2020 graduate of Leadership New Hampshire, and a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association and the New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association. Kristine has a Juris Doctor from the University of New Hampshire School of Law and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration in Finance from the University of Arizona.

About Kristine Stoddard

Director of New Hampshire Public Policy
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Tracy Thompson
Director of Behavioral Health, Clinical Social Work
Little Rivers Health Care
Tracy completed her Masters of Social Work degree in 2005 at the University of Central Florida and became Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in 2009. Tracy has worked with individuals, families and groups from ages 3 through 89 in a variety of settings, most recently, since 2015, with Little Rivers Health Care. Working with diverse clients and in a range of communities, Tracy has sought ways to decrease barriers and increase access to mental health services for all individuals. Little River’s mission, to provide respectful, accessible services to the individuals and communities it serves, has led to increasing behavioral health services in all clinics and six schools. As a strong advocate for self-care, you can also find her practicing yoga, hiking, kayaking and reading- when not exploring new places.

About Tracy Thompson

Director of Behavioral Health, Clinical Social Work
Little Rivers Health Care
Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN
President and CEO
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Since 1995, Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN, has served as the president and chief executive officer of Bi-State Primary Care Association serving NH and VT. Ms. Kuenning works with federal, regional, and state policymakers, health policy organizations, foundations, and payers to develop strategies and programs that promote, sustain, and build community-based primary health care services and infrastructure. In 2009, she received the Norton Wilson State Regional Leadership Award and in 2010-11 was appointed by the Secretary of US-DHHS to serve on the federal Negotiated Rulemaking Committee. In 2013, she was named as the Geiger Gibson Distinguished Visitor in Community Health Policy, a special initiative of GWU School of Public Health and Health Services. In 2013 she was selected to serve on a DHHS panel of health care experts and testified in the U.S. HELP Senate Committee on primary care needs of 30 million uninsured Americans and in 2018, testified in this same U.S. Senate subcommittee on Marketplace Association Health Plans. Since 2013, Ms. Kuenning serves as faculty for the Geiger Gibson Health Policy Fellows Program at the GWU and serves on numerous state, federal, and national committees. Prior to joining Bi-State, Ms. Kuenning worked as a nurse consultant for the US PHS and HCFA as a principal public health advisor throughout New England. She has a master’s degree in Nursing and Public/Community Health and is a CNS in MCH. Her practice experience includes tertiary hospital cardiac specialty/ICU and a clinician and educator for clinics in Kathmandu and rural Nepal.

About Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN

President and CEO
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Daniel J.W. King, MS, MA
Chief of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), United States DHS
Daniel J. W. King is the Region 1 Chief of Cybersecurity for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Region 1 is headquartered in Boston and Mr. King oversees CISA cybersecurity services and support via Cybersecurity Advisors throughout New England. CISA works with partners to defend against today’s digital and physical threats to reduce risk and enable secure and resilient infrastructure into the future. Before his time with CISA, Mr. King was Global Lead for IBM Security Command. Mr. King served 30 years on active duty with the U.S. Army, retiring as a Colonel (O6). His service included Desert Shield/Storm, Joint Endeavor, Iraqi and Enduring Freedom and many other international contingency operations. He was assigned duties at NATO/SHAPE, U.S. CENTCOM, U.S. INDO-PACOM, and U.S. CYBERCOM. Mr. King holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Denver and master’s degrees from the University of Southern California, U.S. Army War College, and the University of Maryland. Mr. King is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional (GICSP) and holds additional industry certifications for penetration testing, incident response, and security leadership.

About Daniel J.W. King, MS, MA

Chief of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), United States DHS
Greg White
Chief Executive Officer
Lamprey Health Care
Mr. White has been with Lamprey Health Care as its CEO since 2013, and joined the organization with many years of experience working in Federally Qualified Health Centers. For over two decades Mr. White has been committed to the mission of Community Health Centers, previously serving as Chief Financial Officer for the Lowell Community Health Center, in Lowell, MA and Manchester Community Health Center in Manchester, NH. Mr. White is a Certified Public Accountant and attended Babson College where he received a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. He has achieved the Certified Health Financial Professional designation from the Healthcare Financial Management Association and has been involved in numerous non-profit agencies in the Southern NH area. Mr. White is currently the Board Chair of Bi-State Primary Care Association and actively serves on the Boards of Directors for Community Health Access Network, SHARE Outreach, the Kaley Foundation and Milford Historical Society. He has previously served as an adjunct instructor at the Paul School at the University of New Hampshire and has been a volunteer EMT and staff officer with Milford Ambulance Service. He resides in Milford with his wife Michelle.

About Greg White

Chief Executive Officer
Lamprey Health Care
Vic Topo, MSW
President and CEO
Center for Life Management
Vic Topo, M.S.W., is currently the President/CEO of the Center for Life Management, the largest provider of behavioral health services in its region of Southern New Hampshire. In his nearly 30 year tenure there, Vic has led his board and staff by placing high importance on growing services and revenues with added focus on innovation and technology. Under his leadership, a new state of the art facility was built in 2007 and was featured in the Facility Design Showcase of Behavioral Health Care Magazine in 2007 and then again in a special issue in 2009. Also, very early in his tenure at CLM, Vic provided leadership for the development of an Electronic Health Record (webAISCE), the first of its kind in the state. In 2010, as part of highlighting the importance of bringing in the newest treatment technology, under Vic’s leadership CLM became the first free standing CMHC in the nation to offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to adults with Major Depressive Disorder. Prior to coming to CLM, Vic served as the CEO of Pathways, a community mental health agency in Mentor, Ohio, for eleven years. His now 35 years of experience began with providing direct services to severely mentally ill clients prior to him moving into supervisory and senior executive leadership. Vic is a graduate of Siena College in upstate New York and completed his Masters in Social Work at West Virginia University. He has served on numerous boards in his career, including United Way, local Chambers of Commerce, Behavioral Health Network, Regional Transportation Council (CART), among others. He recently joined Greater Salem Rotary and after being in Derry for 18 years, he currently resides in Londonderry.

About Vic Topo, MSW

President and CEO
Center for Life Management
Cynthia Whitaker, PsyD, MLADC
President and CEO
Greater Nashua Mental Health
Dr. Cynthia Whitaker is dually licensed as both a psychologist and a master licensed alcohol and drug counselor. She holds a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University New England and received a Certificate in Primary Care Behavioral Health from the Center for Integrated Primary Care at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Whitaker is a strong advocate of social justice and has committed her career to the community mental health system. She has worked for Greater Nashua Mental Health (GNMH) since 2006 and currently serves as its first female President & CEO. Dr. Whitaker previous roles include Chief of Services, Clinical Supervisor for the Southern Hillsborough County Drug Court, and Coordinator of Deaf Services for the State of New Hampshire, a program that is dedicated to improving the access and quality of mental health services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals in New Hampshire. In addition to her work at GNMH, Cynthia is an adjunct faculty member at Antioch University where she teaches doctoral level courses in Community Psychology and Public Policy & Advocacy. She has also taught classes in Developmental Psychology, Professional Development, and Advanced Mindfulness. Cynthia is fluent in American Sign Language and continues to be involved in advocating for and providing training about mental health services for individuals who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, as well as teaching and training about various other topics related to behavioral health. She is an XChange certified facilitator and is known for her engaging and motivating style of teaching and training that inspires individuals and groups to connect with their strengths and reach their potential.

About Cynthia Whitaker, PsyD, MLADC

President and CEO
Greater Nashua Mental Health
Dan Quinlan, MS, MBA
Dan Quinlan is the founder of BirchGlade Consulting and the non-profit SolaVida. His focus is on working with people who are passionate about making the world a more humane and healthy home for all people. His work revolves around reducing carbon pollution – through projects in advocacy, communications, and finance - all are designed to help drive the shift to a global new energy economy. Dan holds a BSEE (University of New Hampshire), a MS-Physics (Penn State University), and an MBA (Columbia University).

About Dan Quinlan, MS, MBA

Paul Friedrichs MD
Chair, Board of Directors
NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
Paul Friedrichs MD is a family doctor, poet, and lover of the earth. He lives with his family in Exeter, NH where he spent a 33 year FQCHC career with Lamprey Health Care, Newmarket. He is drawn to climate action in order to pass along a vibrant, healthy and sustainable earth to future generations, and out of respect for all life here on earth. His proudest moments include the birth of his three children, being named New Hampshire Family Physician of the Year, and winning Yale University’s award for best essay on the history of art.

About Paul Friedrichs MD

Chair, Board of Directors
NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
Jodi Harper, MSW, LICSW
Associate Director/Project Manager
Southern NH Area Health Education Center/Lamprey Health Care
Jodi joined the AHEC team in 2017 as a Project Director, helping to lead programs that expose high school youth to health career opportunities. She was recently named Associate Director, where she supports the mission of Southern NH AHEC and works to help expand opportunities for NH residents to participate in and lead classes helping others manage their chronic conditions. As someone who lives with a few chronic diseases herself, Jodi enjoys spreading the word about these classes and programs that have helped change her better manage her health. She graduated with her Master’s in Social Work in May 2018 from Boston College School of Social Work and recently obtained her LICSW in the state of New Hampshire. Jodi has extensive experience working with diverse populations through her work as the Program Director at BRING IT!!! and has developed a real love of the mandazi her former students still share with her from time to time. Jodi is currently on the board of directors for BRING IT! and the New Hampshire Public Health Association, working to educate others about social determinants/drivers of health and just how much of our ability to be well is comprised of what’s happening outside of the primary care exam room. When she’s not working, you can often find Jodi enjoying the company of a good book, going for a nature walk, exploring new gluten free recipes, or getting crafty with yarn and fabric.

About Jodi Harper, MSW, LICSW

Associate Director/Project Manager
Southern NH Area Health Education Center/Lamprey Health Care
Andy Barter
Little Rivers Health Care
Andy recently transitioned to the position of Chief Executive Officer at Little Rivers Health Care (LRHC). He previously served as the Chief Operating Officer responsible for executive oversight of clinic operations, information technology, human resources administration, payroll administration, credentialing, facilities management, grants management, community relations, development, and health center requirements under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act. Andy’s professional career started 28 years ago in Vermont as the President and CEO of two owner-operated companies employing about 60 people over fifteen years. Andy received the VT SBA Business of the Year Award from Governor Howard Dean. For almost ten years, Andy held supervisory roles at a VT Mental Health Specialized Services Agency and a VT Designated Mental Health Agency. Andy actively serves on five volunteer board and committee positions, maintains membership at five professional associations, volunteers as a Vermont Invasive Patroller and as a coach of the St. Johnsbury Academy Swim Club (he is also the founder of SJSC). Andy raised four children, three of his own and an orphaned child. Andy graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Vermont, and he earned a Master of Science with an emphasis on teaching from the University of Wyoming. He was honorary awardee from the University of Wyoming for Excellence in Teaching. He holds certificates in Health Center Compliance, Community Health Leadership, Project Management, Bullying and Harassment, and Ethics.

About Andy Barter

Little Rivers Health Care
Stuart May
President and CEO
Lamoille Health Partners
As CEO for Lamoille Health Partners, Stuart is responsible for the strategy, growth, and fiscal health of the organization. His background includes nearly 20 years as a senior executive leader for both public and private health systems. He has also advised some of the industry’s most prominent organizations across a variety of strategic growth initiatives, revenue cycle improvements, physician enterprise development, and operational restructuring. Throughout his career, his attention to detail has led to tens of millions of dollars in improvements annually for multiple organizations. He has also developed millions in new business opportunities by way of new market initiatives and product line development, engineered operating turnarounds. Rounding out Stuart’s experience is his extensive knowledge of physician enterprise recruitment, practice evaluation, practice management, and compensation models. He is also versed in population health/value-based care programs and ACO/network development for providers and health systems. Stuart serves on the Bi-State Primary Care Association Board of Directors, Northern Vermont Area Health Education Center Board of Directors, Northern Vermont Economic Development District Board of Directors, One Care Vermont Board of Managers, University of New Haven’s Dean Advisory Board School of Health Science, and Advisory Board Member of the Master of Healthcare Administration. Stuart is a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association and Lifetime Member of National Association of Community Health Centers. Stuart received his Executive MBA from The University of New Haven and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from the University of Connecticut.

About Stuart May

President and CEO
Lamoille Health Partners


About AmeriHealth Caritas New Hampshire

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About Patriot Health Network

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About Iris Telehealth

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About Coordinated Transportation Solutions

https://www.ctstransit.com/ Sponsor Logo

About Mutual of America Financial Group

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About WellSense Health Plan

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About NH Healthy Families

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About CommonWealth Purchasing Group

https://cwpurchasing.com/ Sponsor Logo

About United Healthcare

https://www.uhc.com/ Sponsor Logo

About Genoa Telepsychiatry

https://genoatelepsychiatry.optum.com/ Sponsor Logo


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Sessions on May 16, 2023

07:30 AM


07:30 AM - 08:30 AM

Limited Continental Breakfast with Sponsors & Colleagues

07:30 AM - 08:30 AM
08:30 AM

Welcome & Opening Remarks

08:30 AM - 08:45 AM
    Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN
    President and CEOBi-State Primary Care Association
    Since 1995, Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN, has served as the president and chief executive officer of Bi-State Primary Care Association serving NH and VT. Ms. Kuenning works with federal, regional, and state policymakers, health policy organizations, foundations, and payers to develop strategies and programs that promote, sustain, and build community-based primary health care services and infrastructure. In 2009, she received the Norton Wilson State Regional Leadership Award and in 2010-11 was appointed by the Secretary of US-DHHS to serve on the federal Negotiated Rulemaking Committee. In 2013, she was named as the Geiger Gibson Distinguished Visitor in Community Health Policy, a special initiative of GWU School of Public Health and Health Services. In 2013 she was selected to serve on a DHHS panel of health care experts and testified in the U.S. HELP Senate Committee on primary care needs of 30 million uninsured Americans and in 2018, testified in this same U.S. Senate subcommittee on Marketplace Association Health Plans. Since 2013, Ms. Kuenning serves as faculty for the Geiger Gibson Health Policy Fellows Program at the GWU and serves on numerous state, federal, and national committees. Prior to joining Bi-State, Ms. Kuenning worked as a nurse consultant for the US PHS and HCFA as a principal public health advisor throughout New England. She has a master’s degree in Nursing and Public/Community Health and is a CNS in MCH. Her practice experience includes tertiary hospital cardiac specialty/ICU and a clinician and educator for clinics in Kathmandu and rural Nepal.
    Greg White
    Chief Executive OfficerLamprey Health Care
    Mr. White has been with Lamprey Health Care as its CEO since 2013, and joined the organization with many years of experience working in Federally Qualified Health Centers. For over two decades Mr. White has been committed to the mission of Community Health Centers, previously serving as Chief Financial Officer for the Lowell Community Health Center, in Lowell, MA and Manchester Community Health Center in Manchester, NH. Mr. White is a Certified Public Accountant and attended Babson College where he received a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. He has achieved the Certified Health Financial Professional designation from the Healthcare Financial Management Association and has been involved in numerous non-profit agencies in the Southern NH area. Mr. White is currently the Board Chair of Bi-State Primary Care Association and actively serves on the Boards of Directors for Community Health Access Network, SHARE Outreach, the Kaley Foundation and Milford Historical Society. He has previously served as an adjunct instructor at the Paul School at the University of New Hampshire and has been a volunteer EMT and staff officer with Milford Ambulance Service. He resides in Milford with his wife Michelle.
    08:45 AM

    Keynote Panel – Leading for a Sustainable Future: Using our Voices to Drive Positive Change

    08:45 AM - 10:00 AM
      Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN
      President and CEOBi-State Primary Care Association
      Since 1995, Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN, has served as the president and chief executive officer of Bi-State Primary Care Association serving NH and VT. Ms. Kuenning works with federal, regional, and state policymakers, health policy organizations, foundations, and payers to develop strategies and programs that promote, sustain, and build community-based primary health care services and infrastructure. In 2009, she received the Norton Wilson State Regional Leadership Award and in 2010-11 was appointed by the Secretary of US-DHHS to serve on the federal Negotiated Rulemaking Committee. In 2013, she was named as the Geiger Gibson Distinguished Visitor in Community Health Policy, a special initiative of GWU School of Public Health and Health Services. In 2013 she was selected to serve on a DHHS panel of health care experts and testified in the U.S. HELP Senate Committee on primary care needs of 30 million uninsured Americans and in 2018, testified in this same U.S. Senate subcommittee on Marketplace Association Health Plans. Since 2013, Ms. Kuenning serves as faculty for the Geiger Gibson Health Policy Fellows Program at the GWU and serves on numerous state, federal, and national committees. Prior to joining Bi-State, Ms. Kuenning worked as a nurse consultant for the US PHS and HCFA as a principal public health advisor throughout New England. She has a master’s degree in Nursing and Public/Community Health and is a CNS in MCH. Her practice experience includes tertiary hospital cardiac specialty/ICU and a clinician and educator for clinics in Kathmandu and rural Nepal.
      Kristine Stoddard
      Director of New Hampshire Public PolicyBi-State Primary Care Association
      Kristine Stoddard joined Bi-State Primary Care Association in November 2012. Kristine collaborates with the State of New Hampshire, health care providers, non-profit advocacy organizations, and business leaders to improve the health of all New Hampshire residents. She serves as a member of the Medical Care Advisory Committee and the New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation’s board of directors. She previously served as a legislative research analyst for the Arizona House of Representatives. Kristine’s legislative work included appropriations, insurance, banking, environment, criminal law, health, and administrative law. Kristine is a 2020 graduate of Leadership New Hampshire, and a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association and the New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association. Kristine has a Juris Doctor from the University of New Hampshire School of Law and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration in Finance from the University of Arizona.
      Liz Dallas
      Owner & Thought LeaderVital Leadership Coaching
      Liz Dallas helps leaders shift their thinking to support a 21st Century landscape – one that changes fast, is increasingly complex and presents exponential uncertainty. In her 23 years of coaching leaders and 15 years in international business, she has a firsthand experience of how the typical lens of leadership is insufficient to ensure sustainable success. Liz developed the A to B Paradigm Shifter as a new lens that opens thinking and offers a disciplined approach to leading with inspiration and empowerment. Vital Leadership Coaching consultants apply research-based techniques in teaching the model and accelerating how leaders integrate their new learning for deeper, more meaningful understanding and implementation in a world of possibility.
      Michael Costa
      CEONorthern Counties Health Care
      Michael serves as CEO of Northern Counties Health Care, which encompasses five community health centers, three dental centers, two express care clinics and a Medicare certified home health and hospice agency in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Prior to leading Northern Counties, Michael devoted nearly twenty years to public service in states around the country. In Vermont, Michael served in both democratic and republican administrations, where he helped design Vermont's first in the nation All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model Agreement with CMS and Vermont's efforts to establish a universal health care program. Also, Michael served as the Deputy Commissioner of the State Medicaid Agency, responsible for financial operations, managed care operations, the State’s federal waivers, and payment and delivery system reform efforts. Michael holds a bachelor's degree from Bates College, a law degree from the University of Wisconsin, and a Masters Degree in Health Care Delivery Science from Dartmouth College.
      Dan Sherman
      Director of Primary CareNorthern Counties Health Care
      Dan Sherman has been a resident of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont for over 18 years, living in Waterford with his wife and five sons. Dan began his health care career in outpatient physical therapy practice, where he honed his skills in program management and process development. After joining the Alpine Clinic Orthopedic Group in 2008, Dan played a pivotal role in developing their two outpatient physical therapy practices and overseeing clinical operations. Dan earned his Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Management from Johnson State College and his Master of Business Administration and Certificate in Health Care Administration from Plymouth State University. Prior to joining the Northern Counties team in December of 2020, Dan was the program manager for the TeleIntensive Care program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, where he helped to grow the program to encompass over 100 ICU beds in hospitals across New Hampshire and Vermont.
      David Reynolds
      Health Policy AdvisorOffice of Senator Bernie Sanders
      David Reynolds was the founder of the first community health centers in Vermont and a co-founder of Bi-State Primary Care Association. After 30 years at Northern Counties Health Care, he became Senator Bernie Sanders first Health Policy Advisor, negotiating key primary care and workforce provisions of the Affordable Care Act. After several years of retirement, he has returned to work for the Senator as the community health center program and several key workforce programs are up for reauthorization. Reynolds has a doctorate in health policy from the University of Michigan.
      10:00 AM

      Leadership Development Program Class of 2023

      10:00 AM - 10:25 AM
        Stephanie Pagliuca
        Senior Director of Workforce Development and RecruitmentBi-State Primary Care Association
        Ms. Pagliuca works?with a variety of stakeholders and partners?to strengthen and expand the?pipeline of clinicians?who are interested in practicing in New Hampshire and Vermont.?She?oversees operations of Bi-State’s NH/VT Recruitment Center and has?managed many federal, state, and private?foundation grants to support workforce development to build primary care, dental, mental health, and substance use disorder treatment capacity in underserved areas of our states.? Ms. Pagliuca works on public policy related to?primary care?workforce development, recruitment, and retention by serving on?a number of?statewide and regional commissions and work groups targeting these issues.?Ms. Pagliuca joined Bi-State in 1994. Ms. Pagliuca?earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Notre Dame College.?She is a native of Manchester, New Hampshire and a graduate of the Leadership New Hampshire class of 2010.
        10:25 AM

        Networking Break with Sponsors & Exhibitors

        10:25 AM - 11:00 AM


        • +11
        11:00 AM

        2023 Bi-State Awards Ceremony

        11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
        11:30 AM

        Transition remarks and Lunch Break

        11:30 AM - 12:55 PM
        01:15 PM

        Concurrent Session – Better Together: How FQHCs and CMHCS in NH and VT collaborate to enhance patient care

        01:15 PM - 02:30 PM
          Greg White
          Chief Executive OfficerLamprey Health Care
          Mr. White has been with Lamprey Health Care as its CEO since 2013, and joined the organization with many years of experience working in Federally Qualified Health Centers. For over two decades Mr. White has been committed to the mission of Community Health Centers, previously serving as Chief Financial Officer for the Lowell Community Health Center, in Lowell, MA and Manchester Community Health Center in Manchester, NH. Mr. White is a Certified Public Accountant and attended Babson College where he received a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. He has achieved the Certified Health Financial Professional designation from the Healthcare Financial Management Association and has been involved in numerous non-profit agencies in the Southern NH area. Mr. White is currently the Board Chair of Bi-State Primary Care Association and actively serves on the Boards of Directors for Community Health Access Network, SHARE Outreach, the Kaley Foundation and Milford Historical Society. He has previously served as an adjunct instructor at the Paul School at the University of New Hampshire and has been a volunteer EMT and staff officer with Milford Ambulance Service. He resides in Milford with his wife Michelle.
          Vic Topo, MSW
          President and CEOCenter for Life Management
          Vic Topo, M.S.W., is currently the President/CEO of the Center for Life Management, the largest provider of behavioral health services in its region of Southern New Hampshire. In his nearly 30 year tenure there, Vic has led his board and staff by placing high importance on growing services and revenues with added focus on innovation and technology. Under his leadership, a new state of the art facility was built in 2007 and was featured in the Facility Design Showcase of Behavioral Health Care Magazine in 2007 and then again in a special issue in 2009. Also, very early in his tenure at CLM, Vic provided leadership for the development of an Electronic Health Record (webAISCE), the first of its kind in the state. In 2010, as part of highlighting the importance of bringing in the newest treatment technology, under Vic’s leadership CLM became the first free standing CMHC in the nation to offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to adults with Major Depressive Disorder. Prior to coming to CLM, Vic served as the CEO of Pathways, a community mental health agency in Mentor, Ohio, for eleven years. His now 35 years of experience began with providing direct services to severely mentally ill clients prior to him moving into supervisory and senior executive leadership. Vic is a graduate of Siena College in upstate New York and completed his Masters in Social Work at West Virginia University. He has served on numerous boards in his career, including United Way, local Chambers of Commerce, Behavioral Health Network, Regional Transportation Council (CART), among others. He recently joined Greater Salem Rotary and after being in Derry for 18 years, he currently resides in Londonderry.
          Cynthia Whitaker, PsyD, MLADC
          President and CEOGreater Nashua Mental Health
          Dr. Cynthia Whitaker is dually licensed as both a psychologist and a master licensed alcohol and drug counselor. She holds a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University New England and received a Certificate in Primary Care Behavioral Health from the Center for Integrated Primary Care at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Whitaker is a strong advocate of social justice and has committed her career to the community mental health system. She has worked for Greater Nashua Mental Health (GNMH) since 2006 and currently serves as its first female President & CEO. Dr. Whitaker previous roles include Chief of Services, Clinical Supervisor for the Southern Hillsborough County Drug Court, and Coordinator of Deaf Services for the State of New Hampshire, a program that is dedicated to improving the access and quality of mental health services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals in New Hampshire. In addition to her work at GNMH, Cynthia is an adjunct faculty member at Antioch University where she teaches doctoral level courses in Community Psychology and Public Policy & Advocacy. She has also taught classes in Developmental Psychology, Professional Development, and Advanced Mindfulness. Cynthia is fluent in American Sign Language and continues to be involved in advocating for and providing training about mental health services for individuals who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, as well as teaching and training about various other topics related to behavioral health. She is an XChange certified facilitator and is known for her engaging and motivating style of teaching and training that inspires individuals and groups to connect with their strengths and reach their potential.
          Jodi Harper, MSW, LICSW
          Associate Director/Project ManagerSouthern NH Area Health Education Center/Lamprey Health Care
          Jodi joined the AHEC team in 2017 as a Project Director, helping to lead programs that expose high school youth to health career opportunities. She was recently named Associate Director, where she supports the mission of Southern NH AHEC and works to help expand opportunities for NH residents to participate in and lead classes helping others manage their chronic conditions. As someone who lives with a few chronic diseases herself, Jodi enjoys spreading the word about these classes and programs that have helped change her better manage her health. She graduated with her Master’s in Social Work in May 2018 from Boston College School of Social Work and recently obtained her LICSW in the state of New Hampshire. Jodi has extensive experience working with diverse populations through her work as the Program Director at BRING IT!!! and has developed a real love of the mandazi her former students still share with her from time to time. Jodi is currently on the board of directors for BRING IT! and the New Hampshire Public Health Association, working to educate others about social determinants/drivers of health and just how much of our ability to be well is comprised of what’s happening outside of the primary care exam room. When she’s not working, you can often find Jodi enjoying the company of a good book, going for a nature walk, exploring new gluten free recipes, or getting crafty with yarn and fabric.
          Andy Barter
          CEOLittle Rivers Health Care
          Andy recently transitioned to the position of Chief Executive Officer at Little Rivers Health Care (LRHC). He previously served as the Chief Operating Officer responsible for executive oversight of clinic operations, information technology, human resources administration, payroll administration, credentialing, facilities management, grants management, community relations, development, and health center requirements under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act. Andy’s professional career started 28 years ago in Vermont as the President and CEO of two owner-operated companies employing about 60 people over fifteen years. Andy received the VT SBA Business of the Year Award from Governor Howard Dean. For almost ten years, Andy held supervisory roles at a VT Mental Health Specialized Services Agency and a VT Designated Mental Health Agency. Andy actively serves on five volunteer board and committee positions, maintains membership at five professional associations, volunteers as a Vermont Invasive Patroller and as a coach of the St. Johnsbury Academy Swim Club (he is also the founder of SJSC). Andy raised four children, three of his own and an orphaned child. Andy graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Vermont, and he earned a Master of Science with an emphasis on teaching from the University of Wyoming. He was honorary awardee from the University of Wyoming for Excellence in Teaching. He holds certificates in Health Center Compliance, Community Health Leadership, Project Management, Bullying and Harassment, and Ethics.
          Tracy Thompson
          Director of Behavioral Health, Clinical Social WorkLittle Rivers Health Care
          Tracy completed her Masters of Social Work degree in 2005 at the University of Central Florida and became Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in 2009. Tracy has worked with individuals, families and groups from ages 3 through 89 in a variety of settings, most recently, since 2015, with Little Rivers Health Care. Working with diverse clients and in a range of communities, Tracy has sought ways to decrease barriers and increase access to mental health services for all individuals. Little River’s mission, to provide respectful, accessible services to the individuals and communities it serves, has led to increasing behavioral health services in all clinics and six schools. As a strong advocate for self-care, you can also find her practicing yoga, hiking, kayaking and reading- when not exploring new places.

          Concurrent Session – Puzzling pieces: learning from a major cyber incident to reduce risk and build resilient infrastructure for the future

          01:15 PM - 02:30 PM
            Daniel J.W. King, MS, MA
            Chief of CybersecurityCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), United States DHS
            Daniel J. W. King is the Region 1 Chief of Cybersecurity for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Region 1 is headquartered in Boston and Mr. King oversees CISA cybersecurity services and support via Cybersecurity Advisors throughout New England. CISA works with partners to defend against today’s digital and physical threats to reduce risk and enable secure and resilient infrastructure into the future. Before his time with CISA, Mr. King was Global Lead for IBM Security Command. Mr. King served 30 years on active duty with the U.S. Army, retiring as a Colonel (O6). His service included Desert Shield/Storm, Joint Endeavor, Iraqi and Enduring Freedom and many other international contingency operations. He was assigned duties at NATO/SHAPE, U.S. CENTCOM, U.S. INDO-PACOM, and U.S. CYBERCOM. Mr. King holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Denver and master’s degrees from the University of Southern California, U.S. Army War College, and the University of Maryland. Mr. King is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional (GICSP) and holds additional industry certifications for penetration testing, incident response, and security leadership.
            Stuart May
            President and CEOLamoille Health Partners
            As CEO for Lamoille Health Partners, Stuart is responsible for the strategy, growth, and fiscal health of the organization. His background includes nearly 20 years as a senior executive leader for both public and private health systems. He has also advised some of the industry’s most prominent organizations across a variety of strategic growth initiatives, revenue cycle improvements, physician enterprise development, and operational restructuring. Throughout his career, his attention to detail has led to tens of millions of dollars in improvements annually for multiple organizations. He has also developed millions in new business opportunities by way of new market initiatives and product line development, engineered operating turnarounds. Rounding out Stuart’s experience is his extensive knowledge of physician enterprise recruitment, practice evaluation, practice management, and compensation models. He is also versed in population health/value-based care programs and ACO/network development for providers and health systems. Stuart serves on the Bi-State Primary Care Association Board of Directors, Northern Vermont Area Health Education Center Board of Directors, Northern Vermont Economic Development District Board of Directors, One Care Vermont Board of Managers, University of New Haven’s Dean Advisory Board School of Health Science, and Advisory Board Member of the Master of Healthcare Administration. Stuart is a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association and Lifetime Member of National Association of Community Health Centers. Stuart received his Executive MBA from The University of New Haven and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from the University of Connecticut.
            02:45 PM

            Plenary Session – Climate and Health in Northern New England: New Challenges for a Changing World

            02:45 PM - 03:55 PM
              Dan Quinlan, MS, MBA
              Dan Quinlan is the founder of BirchGlade Consulting and the non-profit SolaVida. His focus is on working with people who are passionate about making the world a more humane and healthy home for all people. His work revolves around reducing carbon pollution – through projects in advocacy, communications, and finance - all are designed to help drive the shift to a global new energy economy. Dan holds a BSEE (University of New Hampshire), a MS-Physics (Penn State University), and an MBA (Columbia University).
              Paul Friedrichs MD
              Chair, Board of DirectorsNH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
              Paul Friedrichs MD is a family doctor, poet, and lover of the earth. He lives with his family in Exeter, NH where he spent a 33 year FQCHC career with Lamprey Health Care, Newmarket. He is drawn to climate action in order to pass along a vibrant, healthy and sustainable earth to future generations, and out of respect for all life here on earth. His proudest moments include the birth of his three children, being named New Hampshire Family Physician of the Year, and winning Yale University’s award for best essay on the history of art.
              03:55 PM

              Closing Remarks

              03:55 PM - 04:00 PM
                Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN
                President and CEOBi-State Primary Care Association
                Since 1995, Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN, has served as the president and chief executive officer of Bi-State Primary Care Association serving NH and VT. Ms. Kuenning works with federal, regional, and state policymakers, health policy organizations, foundations, and payers to develop strategies and programs that promote, sustain, and build community-based primary health care services and infrastructure. In 2009, she received the Norton Wilson State Regional Leadership Award and in 2010-11 was appointed by the Secretary of US-DHHS to serve on the federal Negotiated Rulemaking Committee. In 2013, she was named as the Geiger Gibson Distinguished Visitor in Community Health Policy, a special initiative of GWU School of Public Health and Health Services. In 2013 she was selected to serve on a DHHS panel of health care experts and testified in the U.S. HELP Senate Committee on primary care needs of 30 million uninsured Americans and in 2018, testified in this same U.S. Senate subcommittee on Marketplace Association Health Plans. Since 2013, Ms. Kuenning serves as faculty for the Geiger Gibson Health Policy Fellows Program at the GWU and serves on numerous state, federal, and national committees. Prior to joining Bi-State, Ms. Kuenning worked as a nurse consultant for the US PHS and HCFA as a principal public health advisor throughout New England. She has a master’s degree in Nursing and Public/Community Health and is a CNS in MCH. Her practice experience includes tertiary hospital cardiac specialty/ICU and a clinician and educator for clinics in Kathmandu and rural Nepal.
                04:00 PM

                End of Day Raffle

                04:00 PM - 04:10 PM