2019 Wyoming Head Start Pre-Service Conference

Thursday, Aug 22, 2019 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Aug 23, 2019 at 12:30 PM MST

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Thursday, Aug 22, 2019 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Aug 23, 2019 at 12:30 PM MST

Child and Family Partners, LLC, invites Wyoming's Head Start Grantees to an innovative and fun conference to kick-off the school year! 

The conference will take place at Little America in Cheyenne on August 22nd and 23rd, 2019.

The theme of this FIRST ANNUAL conference is "The Protective Factors and YOU".  Participants will learn about the public health crisis resulting from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the Protective Factors which can and should guide the efforts of early childhood professionals.  

Participants will also experience a different kind of conference that essentially continues through the school year offering updates to workshops and continued learning opportunities to conference participants.


See the agenda below:


 August 22, 2019        

9 to 9:30 AM - Check-in- Little America in Ballroom Reception

9:30 to 10:00 AM

Introductions and Setting the Stage

Tiernan McIlwaine, Child and Family Partners, LLC

Grand Ballroom

10:00 AM to 11:30

Adverse Childhood Experiences:  A Public Health Study

Jennifer Davis, Consultant for Wyoming Children’s Trust Fund

Becca Steinhoff, Executive Director for Wyoming Kids First

Adverse Childhood Experiences impact long-term health.  Learn about these adverse experiences and the importance they hold for early childhood professionals.

Grand Ballroom

11:30 to 11:45 AM - Break

11:45 AM to 1 PM

Lunch and Keynote Address

Tony Gonzalez, Head Start Graduate and Director of the Boys and Girls Club, Greeley, CO

Tony will talk about his path from Head Start graduate to college graduate, father and positive community member.  His path highlights Protective Factors for families and how those factors influence his life and his family today.

Grand Ballroom

1 to 2 PM

Recognizing and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse

TBD, Wyoming Department of Family Services

Attendees will receive information on the best ways to identify and report suspected abuse, the potential outcomes, the limitations of the child protective system and the creative strategies we can utilize to support families in these instances.

Grand Ballroom

2 to 2:15 PM - Break

2:15 to 4:15 PM

Protective Factors- Introduction to the 5 Protective Factors

Jen Davis and Becca Steinhoff

Protective Factors that can help individuals and families overcome ACEs, child endangerment and addiction:

·        Parental Resilience,

·        Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development,

·        Social and Emotional Competence of the Child,

·        Concrete Supports in Times of Need, and

·        Social Connections

All play important roles in supporting child and family success.  We will learn about why these protective factors ar important, how they impact child development and parental functioning while also beginning the discussion about our roles in relation to these factors.

Grand Ballroom

4:15 to 4:30 PM - Wrap up for the day!


August 23, 2019                         

7:30 to 8:30 AM - Breakfast- Grab and Go

8:30 to 10:20 AM:

Breakout Sessions

Motivational Interviewing for Supervisors

Tony Gonzalez, Director of Weld County Boys and Girls Club

Presentation will focus on Motivational Interviewing Techniques that can be used to both support and challenge employees.  

Bonus****  This workshop comes with three follow-up webinars to support consolidation of learning (additional fee= $150):


1 hour

·        Use of OARS; successes and challenges;

·        Recognizing “change talk”; and

·        Rolling with resistance vs. “Being the Boss”.


1 hour

·        Rolling with resistance stories and celebrations;

·        Accountability challenges; and

·        Eliciting change talk.


1 hour

MI in review:

·        OARS;

·        Rolling with resistance;

·        Eliciting change talk; and

·        Accountability.



Infant and Toddler Development Enhanced Through Parent Partnerships

Tiernan McIlwaine, Director, Child and Family Partners

Presentation will focus on supporting infant and toddler development through positive, goal-oriented relationships with parents.  Interactions with infants, toddlers and parents or other caregivers will illustrate strategies to support positive parent-child relationships and child development. 




Parent Involvement

LeighAnn Brite, Center Coordinator at Glenrock Early Learning Center of Wyoming Child and Family Development


Parental involvement is essential to child success and family development.  This presentation will illustrate simple, but effective ways to get parents involved in the program, their child’s development and in social connections to other parents.


Ongoing webinars will be scheduled for attendees to share ideas on Parent Involvement.


Protective Factors Café I

Jen Davis and Becca Steinhoff

Enjoy a meaningful discussion with other participants about questions and topics related to supporting families and children to have needed protective factors in place.


Nutrition in Early Childhood 

TBD- Wyoming Child and Adult Care Food Program

Promoting good nutrition and making sure your program meets the Child and Adult Care Food Program guidelines.


Yellowstone Room

10:20 to 10:30 AM - Break

10:30 AM to 12:20 PM


Organizational Wellness

Brittany Ashby, Vice President of ALIGN Wyoming

Clear, effective communication and teamwork is the backbone of a healthy agency.  Workplace communication is important to ensure productivity while also helping employee morale, productivity and commitment.  Learn what you can do to support organizational and individual wellness in your early learning agency.



Start the Year on the Right Foot in the Classroom 

Tiernan McIlwaine, Director of Child and Family Partners

Presentation on developing relationships with children and families in a manner that gives you “relationship leverage” and promotes positive behaviors. Responses to children and parents across various job roles will be discussed. 

Several webinars will be scheduled throughout the year so share different philosophical focal points associated with different times of the school year and variouos seasons in Wyoming!



Making Data Matter

Nathan Pope and Carly Landgraff, Clayton Early Learning Center (Denver, CO)

The Data Cycle (Step 1-Prepare, Step 2-Interpret Data, Step 3 Implement and Step 4 Evaluate).  Participants analyze a mock data set and learn about SMART Goals and Action Plans. 


Bonus****  This workshop comes with three follow-up webinars to support consolidation of learning (additional fee= $150):


1 hour

Review Data Cycle and participants set SMART Goals with their fall TSG data and/or family service data.


1 hour

Participants monitor and celebrate their fall SMART Goals and set winter SMART Goals.


1 hour

Participants monitor and celebrate their winter SMART Goals.

Set SMART Goals with spring TSG data and/or family service data.



Protective Factors Café II

Becca Steinhoff and Jen Davis

Enjoy a meaningful discussion with other participants about questions and topics related to supporting families and children to have needed protective factors in place.


Transportation Safety Updates


Updating skills and knowledge for drivers and support staff members.  

Yellowstone Room

12:20 to 12:30 PM - Wrap Up

Come back together briefly for inspiration and “goodbyes”.



Child and Family Partners


Child and Family Partners, LLC has been serving children, families and professionals for over a decade. The agency provides online workshops and classes while also providing on-site and online consultation for classroom management strategies, functional behavioral assessments, positive support planning and parent education.

Contact the Organizer