(2 CEU Live Webinar) Dismantling Health Disparities: Attacking Causes and Healing Effects

Friday, Nov 13, 2020 at 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST

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Friday, Nov 13, 2020 at 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST

(2 CEU Live Webinar) Dismantling Health Disparities: Attacking Causes and Healing Effects

2 Ethics/Social Cultural CE credits

Part of the Health Care Social Workers Symposium.  

This course can be purchased as a stand alone.  However, you save money by purchasing the whole day. 

Click this link to purchase the 6 credits available via the Health Care Social Workers Symposium: https://events.eventzilla.net/e/health-care-social-workers-symposium-2020-2138789307

Martin Luther King Jr., recognizing the interplay of social injustice processes and outcomes, stated, “There must be a rhythmic alteration between attacking the causes [of social injustices, like health disparities] and healing the effects [of racism]” This presentation will: Discuss racism and the pathways for impact of racism on health and well-being and introduce the transformative potential development model for conducting radical social work and for dismantling health disparities.

Learning objectives:

  1. Articulate how racism impacts health and well-being
  2. Use the transformative potential development model to move from consciousness to action to address the causes of health disparities
  3. Identify action steps to integrate anti-racism into participant’s social work practice


Cost for this course:

Regular Price: $57
NASW Member Discounted Price: $37 (Members save over 35%!)


REFUNDS: If you would like to request a refund, please review our refund policy and submit your request here.

National Association of Social Workers-Delaware


For more information, contact Makyla Burke at mburke.naswde@socialworkers.org or call 302-251-9212 x 127

Contact the Organizer

Alexis Jemal
Alexis Jemal, LCSW, LCADC, JD, PhD, assistant professor at Silberman School of Social Work-Hunter College, is a scholar, writer, artivist, educator, social entrepreneur and radical social worker whose mission is to facilitate every person’s potential to transform consciousness into action. Dr. Jemal educates from a critical social work perspective using a restorative approach to: bridge the micro-macro divide; recognize and dismantle white supremacy and oppressive practices, policies and culture; prevent and eliminate domination, exploitation and discrimination that threaten life, liberty, justice and wellness (i.e., the pursuit of happiness). As a practitioner, to address the well-documented connection between racism and health/wellness, Dr. Jemal incorporates the Transformative Potential Development Model (TPDM) that she developed with an intersectional frame and trauma-informed approach for liberation-based practice to pursue personal and collective healing from daily living in a dehumanizing society. In addition to serving as a framework for critical social work, TPDM provides a guide for anti-racism and healing work that involves rebuilding community, restoring authentic self-identities; reclaiming power; sparking radical imagination; and, inviting reparative action that disrupts the status quo - that is, mitigates the harm of white supremacy and advances social/racial justice and equity. Dr. Jemal’s scholarship uses participatory action research methods to develop and test multi-level and multi-systemic socio-behavioral health practices that integrate applied theatre, critical theory, community and cultural organizing, restorative justice frameworks, and liberation health models to address structural, community and interpersonal violence. Dr. Jemal’s work spans epigenetics to cultural study, and draws from the disciplines of Public Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Public Health, Criminal Justice, and Neuroscience. The interdisciplinary nature of Dr. Jemal’s research and practice creates an innovative synergy leading to holistic and dynamic discoveries for intervention. The goal of Dr. Jemal’s educational, health, and sociocultural initiatives is for people to reclaim their humanity with all possibilities, to live in their purpose, continue the healing journey, and thrive to their full potential.

About Alexis Jemal