Special Olympics- Mt. Vernon High School, Alexandra, VA (1/20/2019)

Sunday, Jan 20, 2019 at 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST

8515, Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA, 22309, United States

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Ticket type

There are no registration option(s) available for this event at the moment. Please contact the event organizer if you have any questions.

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Sunday, Jan 20, 2019 at 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST

Mt. Vernon High School, 8515, Alexandria, VA, 22309, United States.

Volunteers are needed to assist with the Special Olympics at several locations on January 20, 2019. This sign up is for Mt. Vernon High School at 8515 Old Mt. Vernon Rd., Alexandria, VA 22309

YOU MUST SIGN UP HERE AND AT https://www.cervistech.com/acts/console.php?console_id=0218&console_type=event_list&res_code=Fnazq9&ht=1

Shift times will vary depending on what you choose on the above link. Event runs from 1:00pm to 7:00pm

Before you leave your shift, you will need to ask for a signed letter. You will need to provide this letter or a photo proof of this letter to Kfarrell@oaronline.org when you are completed with the event. Failure to get a copy of this letter will result in your hours not being counted. 

Cancellation policy

Please make sure that you also email Vjennings@specialolympicsva.org and cc Kfarrell@oaronline.org if you are no longer able to make this event!