Family Constellation Workshop - Worthing - Let go of the past and change your life

Saturday, 25 June 2016 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM GST

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Organiser place Partial Approval - Free

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Concessionary place to come as a representative Partial Approval - £35.00

If you are on a low income you are welcome to select this price level. If you are on a very low income and £35.00 is prohibitive, please contact me so we can make alternative arrangements

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Issue Holder Partial Approval - £70.00

This is if you specifically have an issue that you really really really want to work on!

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Participant place - to come as a representative Partial Approval - £50.00

This is where you come to participate in the workshop. You will participate in constellations and represent family members.

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Saturday, 25 June 2016 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM GST

Family Constellations in Sussex

Find the hidden dynamics that are impacting on your life.

Family constellations are about finding our right place in our families or wider life.  Many people feel on a deep level, disconnected or “not in the right place”. 

Family constellation work helps us see ourselves as part of a wider system, through connecting with our grandparents and great-grandparents – even if we have never met them.

Through this work participants  recognise family patterns and influences on our lives.  By seeing things as they are you are able to live your life with more connection to your true self.

Constellation sare nothing to do with star signs or horoscopes!  "Constellations" is a translation from German where the word means placement in relation to others.  This method is becoming more widely used both in a personal development/psychotherapeutic context and also within business.  In fact anywhere where people are trying to make sense of or improve human systems.

Workshops are held in a confidential and safe environment.  

People who attend a workshop come away with a deeply held experience of honour and respect, a stronger sense of connection with themselves and their family of origin, and a "touching of the soul".

For more information please contact, or to get feedback from a previous workshop participant, contact Stephanie Kirk,

Please register in advance


Liz Sleeper Constellations: i am a systemic constellator, working with families, businesses and with environmentalists

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